Technical Disclosure

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Project technical clarification

1)   project techinical clarificationcan be divided into two categories: technical support design project、othercompanies’ design project. 

2)   Design project should be onthe field survey, according to party a's requirements for deepening the designbefore construction, the three authorized by the director, cover design thestamp out figure.

3)   Ifthe projects are designed by our own technical support team, project directorof engineers need to hand over construction drawings.  Project leader needs to reviewthe drawings and put forward reasonable Suggestions, ensure compliance with theconstruction acceptance criteria.

4)   Accordancewith the requirements of engineering task list, for engineering constructionpersonnel for data transfer, including project budget, equipment list,construction drawings, etc;

5)   Projectapproach to the project before the construction site technical disclosure:participate in project design disclosure and technical disclosure on thebuilder, team.

6)   Communicate with party a'srepresentative, the related supervision, project technology, engineeringconstruction project director, head of the positive communication, and otherrelevant departments actively cooperate with, do a good job project disclosureof the parties agree to sign and record;

7)   Project leader should focus onthe progress of the project, constructing mateirial order according to theprogress of the production task、construction material order. Toassist construction team leader to Preparethe project contact list and coordinate positively about the technical problemsduring the project engineering process, ensuring the project can be processedsmoothly.  

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